Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)

Storage and Retrieval Machines and Pallet-Shuttle-System

DAMBACH Lagersysteme has been operating successfully in the areas of intralogistics, warehousing technology, and automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) since 1974. DAMBACH was one of the first companies worldwide to install curve-going storage and retrieval machines in a high bay warehouse and is the global market leader in this market segment.

Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) consist of various installations, warehousing technology, machinery, and the related organizational elements. A defined storage capacity is assured by material and data flows. The ASRS is therefore a key element in intralogistics.


The Tasks of a Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)

The aims of an automated storage and retrieval system are to optimize the actual material flows and reduce the stocks held by improving the organizational structures. Irrespective of the type of warehouse, DAMBACH ASRS help to ensure that stocks are always ready for dispatch and fluctuations in demand are absorbed. Depending on the solution adopted, operations can be carried out with storage and retrieval machines or shuttle systems. Choosing the right warehousing technology not only shortens access times and transport distances (which improves warehouse efficiency), but also increases throughput and flexibility. Automation in a warehouse can ensure a consistently high standard of deliveries.


Warehouse Types

The purpose of every warehouse is to store goods. A high bay warehouse, for example, can handle a wide range of unit loads such as standard or mesh box pallets, trays, etc. Even special unit loads such as vehicle chassis, wooden boards or rolls of paper can be stored and retrieved easily with load handling attachments designed by DAMBACH. A high bay warehouse can be built with separate racking inside a building or as a rack-supported structure. DAMBACH can supply the appropriate storage and retrieval machines (SRMs) supplemented by a huge range of load handling attachments and a pallet shuttle system for challenging building layouts and existing warehouses. Another type of storage facility is the automated small parts warehouse. Here, for example, boxes or containers are used to store the small items handled by DAMBACH MINI-LOAD units in automatically controlled storage and retrieval operations. DAMBACH was one of the first companies to achieve the storage of loads weighing up to 300 kg at heights of up to 27 m using a dynamic SRM for small parts. Different industries have hugely different storage requirements, which leads to the need for diverse warehouse configurations, for example:

  • Buffer stocks for fluctuations in demand

  • Storage for production lines

  • Buffer stores for the drinks industry and raw materials

  • Stocks of spare parts for electrical assemblies

  • Distribution centers for mail-order and e-commerce

  • Cold stores for foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals

Benefits of DAMBACH Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS)

Ensuring uninterrupted operations with SRMs or shuttles, even under the toughest operating conditions, e.g. in cold stores, is one of the key benefits. In addition, the blend of high availability and good throughput ensures more economic storage operations. Improving the space utilization by introducing multi-deep storage with the DAMBACH shuttle and warehouses up to 49 m high ensures that DAMBACH Lagersysteme remains a trailblazer when it comes to ambitious ASRS.

  • Fully automated storage operations

  • Fast access and delivery times

  • Best possible space utilization

  • Multi-deep storage

  • High throughputs for a large range of goods

  • Simple machine control with plug&play solutions for fast commissioning

  • Optimum solutions for all unit loads thanks to DAMBACH load handling attachments


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Storage Systems DAMBACH Lagersysteme

Storage and Retrieval Machines for Pallets

Maximum flexibility in pallet storage thanks to the use of aisle-bound and curve-going storage and retrieval machines for high-bay warehouses.

Stacker Cranes for Pallets

Storage and Retrieval Machines for Small Parts

DAMBACH offers the MINI small parts stacker crane for storing and transporting small load carriers.

Stacker Cranes for Small Parts
Heavy-Duty Storage and Retrieval Machines

Storage and Retrieval Machines for Heavy Loads

The MAGNO heavy-duty stacker crane is specially designed for transporting and storing heavy loads in industrial environments.

Stacker Cranes for Heavy Loads
Pallet-Shuttle-System DAMBACH Lagersysteme



Mother Child Shuttle System

Materials Handling

DAMBACH conveyor systems form the ideal interface with the high bay warehouse. Reliable and powerful material flows.

Pallet Materials Handling